🌱 Foundation: Part II

13 Jan 2021

What a year 2020 was. Although my goal was to finish that iOS course and start on my own app, life got in the way. I was able to still learn a lot and finished about half of the course early last year. But this year, I made a New Years Resolution to start again where I left off.

And did that resolution pay off! After many nights filled with watching lectures and writing code, I finished the entire course, did some further research on iOS development topics I was interested in, and started to seriously plan out my app!

But then I realized that there was one iOS topic I hadn’t gotten much experience with in the iOS course I had taken: SwiftUI.

SwiftUI is a relatively new iOS framework that Apple released in 2019, replacing UIKit (the older framework which I used in the course). However, most people still use UIKit because it is more mature. But… SwiftUI is the way of the future, so I’ve decided to build my app in SwiftUI.

That said, only one section of my iOS development course touched on SwiftUI. So I started another course solely focused on learning this new framework. I built a few small example apps and learned the basics. I didn’t go through the whole course, though.

About halfway through, I felt I was ready to venture out on my own.

Finally… let’s build my dream app!